Services Update During COVID-19
All in-person programming and services are suspended until further notice as state, regional, and community developments and order changes are communicated:
We have devised plans ongoing to offer social connection, programming, support groups & education through password protected online virtual offerings to connect our LGBTQI+ community members. Please reference our online, ongoing, programming calendar.
All clinical sessions are teletherapy via phone or Zoom conferencing.
We have a “Supply Train” in which to connect with our Older Adult and other community members to ensure they have what they need and mitigate further social isolation during this time in addition to check in/wellness calls throughout each week.
Our Homeless Transitional Youth Housing Program is operating, as there is still great - if not greater need, to help broker basic services for our houseless youth and young adults. Please contact our Youth Homeless Program Director, Rasheedah: rblake@rainbowcc.org or (510) 650-2305.
HOME is where the SWAB is...To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the county is offering free, contactless STI testing in the privacy of your own home! You can test for HIV (oral swab) and gonorrhea and chlamydia in your throat, anus, and urethra. The whole process takes less than an hour! To make an appointment call (925) 313-6117 or email: prepme@cchealth.org
We bring the test kits to your front door in full PPE
You collect the samples in the privacy of your own bathroom: oral swab for HIV, throat swab and rectal swab for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and urine sample for gonorrhea and chlamydia
We take the tests to the lab
HIV test results in available in 20 minutes, other test results within a week
If positive, we help link you to treatment
We leave you a bag full of condoms and lube!
Please follow the main Rainbow Community Center Facebook page for updates: facebook.com/RainbowCommunityCenter/
Please donate to the Rainbow Community Center in this time as every dollar right now makes it possible to pay key staff and continue to provide programming with our community. Your support right now matters more than ever!
Please contact us rcc@rainbowcc.org for questions or more info.